lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


Para empezar con buen pie la PART 1 del FCE, debemos contestar correctamente las preguntas que nos formulan. Tendrán muy en cuenta la precisión gramatical.

Os dejo una actividad ejemplo de lo que podría ser esta PART 1.

Mandadme respuestas!!! ;)

Read the following extract from a Part 1 interview. Find and correct six more mistakes with verb tenses.

EXAMINER: Do you live near here?
STUDENT: Yes, I am living here since I was six years old. Have been

EXAMINER: Where did you live before that?
STUDENT: My parents are from the north and they have lived there when they first got married.

EXAMINER: Is that a nice place to live?
STUDENT: Yes, I think so. There are a lot of things for young people to do like skiing and other kinds of winter sports.

EXAMINER: Is yours a large or a small family?
STUDENT: Quite large actually. I am having two brothers and a sister.

EXAMINER: Are they older or younger than you?
STUDENT: They are all older.

EXAMINER: What do they do?
STUDENT: They are all studying at university for several years now. The eldest, Alberto, is studying Law and both Alessandro and Rafaella are studying engineering.

EXAMINER: Tell me what subject you enjoy most at school.
STUDENT: I´ve always been liking all my school subjects but my favourite is art. I want to be a graphic designer.

EXAMINER: What do you do during a typical weekend?
STUDENT: On Friday night, I am going out with friends. On Saturdays I am normally playing football with a local team but lately I have been having some trouble with a knee injury so I haven´t played so much.

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