lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014


La página web de la EOI de Durante tiene un ejemplo de exámen para cada nivel con sus soluciones, incluidos los audios para el listening.

Aquí os paso el enlace para que practiquéis. ;)

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014


Os gusta escribir historias? Si es así, no dudéis en elegir a story en el writing de PET o EOI.

A continuación, tenéis un modelo de story con huecos, donde debéis elegir los siguientes conectores:

at the moment
in a panic

David woke up suddenly and looked at the bedside clock. It was 3.00 in the morning. "Much too early", he said to himself, and went ____________ back to sleep. He was a light sleeper when he knew he had to get up early, and today he was feeling ____________ responsible as he had the plane tickets for the football team, and they had agreed to meet at the airport at 7.00.
Suddenly David woke up againand looked at the bedside clock. It still sail 3.00. He ws just falling asleep when he noticed that sunlight was coming in through the curtain. "oh, no!" David thought, ____________ looking for his watch on the table. It said 7.00.
____________ the phone started to ring. "What happened to you?" a voice asked. "It´s 7.05. The planes leaves at 7.45". "I´ll be there as soon as I can", David promised. ____________, he put on the first clothes he could find, picled up his bag, which ____________ he´d packed the night before, ____________ took his car keys and ran out of the door...
David woke up ____________ and looked at the bedside clock. It was 3.00 in the morning. A nurse come over. "Where am I?" said David. "You´re in hospital, you´ve had a car accident... driving too fast, I´m afraid. Where you trying to catch a plane?

Para escribir una historia debéis pensar en el argumento previamente. Tratad de dividir la historia en tres partes:
  • En el primer párrafo localizad la escena y describid la situación y los personajes.
  • En el segundo párrafo contad dos o tres sucesos para que la historia tenga interés.
  • En la conclusión contad cómo termina la historia y sus personajes.
A continuación escribid una historia que comience:

"When Andrea saw the car parked outside her house, her heart started beating faster..."


Una opción para la Task 2 del Writing de B1 para EOI, puede ser una redacción sobre las ventajas y desventajas cualquiera de los temas especificados para este nivel.

Para los que estáis preparando Selectivo puede seros muy útil dominar este tipo de redacciones.

Os paso un modelo en el cual sólo debéis completar correctamente los huecos con los conectores siguientes:

as a result
for example
in conclusion
the main advantage
on the other hand
what is more


Nowadays the magazines that sell the most are ones like Hello magazine, which tell us about the lives of famous people. It seems that everybody is interested in them, and that most people would really like to be famous. ________________ there are advantages and disadvantages.

_______________ of being famous is probably the lifestyle it gives you. Most famous people are very rich and can afford big houses with swimming pools, and expensive cars.  _____________, they spend a lot of time travelling, visiting different countries, and staying in luxurious hotels.

_____________, there are disadvantages. Every time famous people go out they are surrounded by fans and photographers. _____________, it is very difficult for them to have a normal private life. ______________, they often can´t spend much time at home as they have to travel so much, _______________ if they are making a film or doing a concert tour.

_____________________, I think it is probably easier to be happy if you are not famous, in spite of all the money famous people have.

Para escribir una buena redacción de "for and against":
  • Escribe cuatro párrafos: introducción, puntos a favor, puntos en contra y una conclusión.
  • Utilizad lenguaje formal, sin contracciones o expresiones coloquiales.
  • Haced una lista de pros y contras antes de empezar la redacción.
  • Ofreced siempre razones y ejemplos a vuestras ideas.
  • Utilizad los conectores apropiados para enlazar párrafos y oraciones.
Por último, lanzaos a escribir la siguiente redacción, utilizando como ejemplo la anterior:

Write a "for & against" composition. The title is:
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of the public health service in your country?"


PET o Preliminary English Test  es un título de nivel intermedio o B1 de Cambridge.

Aquí os dejo un enlace para la parte de Reading & Writing.

Y sus soluciones:

Recordad que el tiempo disponible es una hora y media!!!


Un ejemplo de "Writing  for B1" para la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas o para PET sería el siguiente:

You saw this advertisement in a local newspaper and have decided to apply for the job.

St. George´s Primary School is looking for a young, energetic and experienced schoolteacher to join us in September. Must be a good organiser and keen on sports.

Please apply in writing to Mrs Hunter, giving details of qualifications, skills and previous experience and saying why you think you are suitable for the job. Closing date 12th May.

"Applying for the job" significa que debemos escribir una "Letter of Application" o carta de presentación.

Aquí tenéis un ejemplo de respuesta. Recordad que se trata de lenguaje formal! 

Dear Mrs Hunter,

With reference to your advertisement in Thursday´s edition of the Daily Star, I am interested in applying for the posotion of primary school teacher.

I m 28 years old and currently teaching in Margate. I have a BSc degree awarded by Glasgow University in 2007. I completed my certificate in Education at Preston Teacher Training College in 2008.

I have been working for Margate Education Department since 2009. During this time, I have enjoyed teaching a variety of subjects, including English and General Science.

I consider myself to be punctual, hard-working and fair. I enjoy working with children and have good organisational skills.

I enclose a reference from my present employer. I would be grateful if you would consider my application.I am available for interview any weekday morning. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Andrea Walker

Andrea Walker

Speaking for B2 in EOI

La primera parte del Speaking para la escuela oficial de idiomas es un monólogo en el que tendremos que hablar sobre el tema que nos den durante 5-6 minutos. Para su preparación nos dan 10 minutos, por tanto debemos suponer que quieren que nuestro monólogo esté estructurado en contenido, conectores, vocabulario adecuado y gramática.

Aquí tenéis un posible esquema organizativo para preparar el monólogo. Es similar al que utilizaríamos para preparar una OPINION ESSAY.

      • Introduce the subject and state your opinion clearly.
      • I strongly believe”
      • First viewpoint and reasons/examples:
        • In the first place (…) For example, (…). Moreover.
      • Second viewpoint and reasons/examples
        • Furthermore, (…)
      • Opposing viewpoint and reasons/examples
        • On the other hand, (…). For instance, (…). In addition to this, (…)
      • Restate your opinion, using different words.
        • All things considered, it seems to me that (…)

(The number of paragraphs in the main body depends on the number of viewpoints included).

Si tenemos tiempo es muy aconsejable prepararnos los monólogos antes de acudir al examen. Los temas son muy variados, pero es posible que el que nos toque sea muy similar a alguno de los que aquí os paso.

Prepare and deliver a monologue about the importance of languages nowadays. Explain whether you think that Spanish is more important than English or vice versa and provide arguments that support your opinion.

Prepare and deliver a monologue about the importance of languages nowadays. Explain whether you think that tourists should always make an effort to learn the language of the country they travel to, providing arguments that support your opinion.

Prepare and deliver a monologue about how good you are as a language learner. Explain your learning style (skills and experience) and the activities you do to improve your learning process. Provide examples that support your exposition.

Prepare and deliver a monologue about the roles of men and women nowadays. Explain whether you think that there is a specific role for men/women and provide arguments that support your opinion.

Prepare and deliver a monologue about a problem in your community that affects you and your friends. Explain the problem and suggest some solutions to it, providing arguments that support your opinion.

Prepare and deliver a monologue about this issue: “Some parts of the world are determined to save the planet. In contrast, there are others which do not seem to care what becomes of it”.
Explain what your position is, providing arguments that support your opinion, and suggest what you think should be done about it.

Prepare and deliver a monologue about how immigration may affect jobs, housing, medical services and/or education in your community. Explain what your position is, providing arguments that support your opinion, and suggest what could be done in the future.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about the importance of age gap in relationships. Explain whether you think that a big age difference can be a problem for a couple and provide arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about the importance of Cooking / Dieting / Nutrition for young people. Explain whether you think these should be a compulsory subject at school and provide arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about the best way to promote a business. Explain whether you think the Internet and web pages are the best way to do it and provide arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about children’s behaviour nowadays. Explain whether you think strict discipline is good to prevent unruly behaviour both at home and at school and provide arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about online dating. Explain whether you think online dating is the best option to find a partner and provide arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about student workers. Explain what you think about studying and working at the same time in the real world today and provide arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about space missions nowadays. Explain whether you think the resources employed on space missions are a waste and provide arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about religion nowadays. Explain whether you think religion is necessary or useful at present times and provide arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about the different ways in which rich and famous people can and should contribute to a better world. Explain what your position is, providing arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about adoption. Talk about what you think the most important issues are, taking into account the changes in current society, especially same sex couples. Explain what your position is, providing arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about the problem of drinking among youth. Explain what you think, providing arguments that support your opinion, and suggest some solutions to this problem.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about your experience with books. Explain what you think about reading and about e-books. Provide arguments that support your opinion.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about the homeless. Explain what you think about the homeless in your community and what could be done about them. Provide arguments that support your opinion.

Prepare and deliver a monologue about a turning point in your life or a major decision you had to make in your life. Explain what happened and the outcomes of your actions. Provide examples that support your exposition.

Prepare and deliver a monologue about a favourite place for you. Describe its location, why you like it so much and whether it brings any memories.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about a treasured possession that you have. Explain its background, its characteristics, why you value it so much and whether it brings any memories.
Prepare and deliver a monologue about an awkward moment or embarrassing situation in your life. Explain what happened and the outcomes of your actions. Provide examples that support your exposition.